Recent posts from: Matagalpa1 – 6/30/2015

Reality Challenge – Working Like a Local

Today was supposed to be one of the hardest days of this trip and unfortunately my assigned partner(Jodie) was sick. However, the good news is that Mia stepped up to become my partner at the very last minute. Even though today was supposed to be hard, especially...

Diving Right Into Global Business

Hola America! Aileen and Tristan here to give you a “concise” summary of our jam-packed day. DISCLAIMER: This passage contains many puns, regarding Aileen’s swimming prowess and about the general day. Viewer discretion advised. Day 9 was Global...

Interim update!

Hi parents, family, and friends! I’m sure that you are all anxiously awaiting your student update for the day, but unfortunately Lauren and I had to call an audible on the update for tonight. We are all waking up at 4:30am tomorrow for the reality challenge of...

Education in Nicaragua

Hola to our family, friends, and loved ones back at home! Today we learned about the Nicaraguan education system in comparison to the education system in the United States. Our question of the day was as follows: How important is education in a developing country and...

Poverty Day Pt. 2

When I signed up to be El Líder Del Día for poverty day I knew the was going to be hard, but I didn’t realize just how hard and emotionally draining it would be. We didn’t get to sleep in much today, since we woke up at six. After our breakfast, we had an...


Before yesterday ended I told everyone to remember to keep the word empathy in their mind; everyone exceeded expectations. I had the “wonderful” opportunity to wake everyone up at 5:00 am to get ready for the challenge we were about to have, the $1 a day...

Free day? More like Fun day.

Buenas! Today was out first free day of the trip 😀 We got an extra two and a half hours to sleep and woke up at 8:30. We had delicious watermelon and bananas along with cocoa pebbles for breakfast; yum! After breakfast we split into two groups (one for staying at the...