Recent posts from: San Cristobal – 6/10/2015

Day 4 “Working Like A Local”

Hello Global Glimpse Family & Friends, My name is Aya Best, and I am San Cristobal’s first leader of the day! Today we glimpsers tiredly woke up at 5:00am to start our “Working Like A Local” day. By 7:00am we were on our bus heading to Mana, the local community...

Day 3-Culture

 As day three comes to a close, I continue to be impressed by our amazing students and leadership team. Even though we have only been here 3 days, our students have bonded quickly and our activities, discussions and interactions with our new Dominican friends show...

We made it to San Cristobal!!

Hello Glimpser world! Your site manager Sara is here reporting from San Cristobal as The Lider Of The Day. We just finished our first day together in the DR, and even though everyone is very tired, we can let you know that we are very excited about this journey that...

Moment of Clarity

Hello everyone I’m looking forward to seeing you all! I’m Shariff Youngblood I go to Encinal high school. I’m entering my senior year. I play basketball and I’m also a gamer (preferable X-Box). This will be my first time out of the country....

Hola San Cristobal June 10 Glimpsers!

Hi to all of you traveling to San Cristobal, DR on June 10th! Since I already introduced myself via email, I’ll keep this brief. Looking forward to meeting you all at the airport and sharing this amazing experience with you. Ricardo or I will be in touch with...

About Me!

Hi everyone my name is Shea King! I am super excited for this trip to San Cristobal! A little background on myself: I am 17 years old and currently living in Walnut Creek, California. I have two fat cats named Nacho and Chito, they are my world! I currently attend...