Recent posts from: Constanza – 7/05/2016

Day 16 – CAP Day 2

Hola, from your Leaders of the Day, Robin and Layla. This morning, we had an unexpected wakeup call at 6am, due to yesterday’s power outage. As a result, we decided to prioritize the CAP over everything else and wake up an hour earlier to make sure we could accomplish...

Day 15 – CAP Delivery Day 1

Hola from your leaders of the day Ethan and Ziba, Today was one of the most intense days of the trip, which was the Community Action Project Day One. We got up, got ready, and arrived at Los Embasadores, a barrio, filled with many warm souls. Prior to the CAP day, the...

C1B Return Flight Information

Hello Family and Friends of C1B Glimpsers, We know you all are excited for the upcoming return of the students on Friday evening, so we wanted to update you all with their flight information: The students will be arriving at SFO at 7:30PM, July 22 on DL #448 into the...

Day 14 – Fun Day 2

Greetings to all, Yajaira and Cassie here, bringing you the latest from Fun Day #2! We were so excited the night before that it was difficult to sleep. We woke up energized and ready to start the day. Today was an early 6am wakeup call which is always hard but knowing...

Day 13 – Immigration Day

Today, we had a very packed schedule. Even though we had a chance to sleep in, the day was very eventful. In the morning we had a speaker, Ostave Alix, and he is an immigrant from Haiti now living in the Dominican Republic. We watched a semi-fictional presentation...

Day 12 – Free Day 2

Our second free day started off early in the morning at 7:30 and everybody had half an hour to get ready for breakfast. Despite the early wakeup call and rough self-reflection from last night, everybody seemed joyful and had fun with each other’s company while eating...

Day 11 – Poverty Day

Hey guys, today was poverty day, and it was probably the most intense day so far. Started out chill enough with a 7am wakeup, which meant us leaders, Yeshi and Sophia, had to wake up 30 minutes earlier. Breakfast was simple (cereal and fruit salad). Then a poverty...