Recent posts from: Matagalpa2 – 6/09/2016

Poetic Coffee

First time for everything, what can I say, My name is Joshua and I’m leader of the day. Everyone’s style is embedded in their blogs, So why not poetry, a lil different for yall, A poem with a rhyme is how I will talk, Lemme take you through my day and give...

Monkey Business

We started off our day off waking up extremely early due to the fact that we did not realize that the time on the cellphone was set three hours ahead causing us to wake up at 2:00am instead at 5:00am.  After that early alarm, we attempted to fall back asleep on the...

Mucho Trabajo

“There is no luck in business there is only drive, determination, and more drive.” – Sophie Kinsella Day 10 is officially in the books! This is Kenneth and Osiel checking in with all the M2A supporters out there, especially our number one supporter...

Explorers at Heart

  Freedom  is the word to describe the day. We were given the freedom to roam the city and get a feel for the culture and people that inhabit the vibrant city of Matagalpa. Students walked through the streets and visited the numerous vendors and ate the local...

Education Nicaragüense

Education drives the entire world. Learning makes us smarter, stronger, and more appreciative of the environment that surrounds us. Without education, global society would not have progressed as far as it has. Today, the Glimpsers of Matagalpa focused on the...

Living La Vida Local

Living like a local. What comes to mind when you think about this phrase? Is it your family? Is it your city or community and how they affect you? Is it the lifestyle you choose as opposed to the infinite variety of others? Well for me, Edgar Anaya, nothing quite came...

An Enlightening Experience with a Little Surprise

(M) Jessica and I woke up around 6:10am as the first duo ELLD (leaders of the day). Our first duty was to bring life to the hostel by knocking obnoxiously on our fellow glimpsers’ doors. What was actually brought to life was Cole’s death stare into...