Recent posts from: GU2C Guaranda 7-17

Insight on Inequity

What are the similarities and differences of poverty between the US and Ecuador? “Give a man a fish; you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime.” -Chinese Proverb Hello friends and family! Today’s topic was deconstructing poverty,...

Exploring Community Engagement

Hello friends and family, Today was our first Free Day where we get to go out and explore Guaranda. We started the day off by waking up at 7:30 a.m. and headed over to Criss where we ate eggs and plantains to kickstart our morning. After breakfast we split off into...

Community Development and Consorcios (consortiums)

Today was Global Business Day! We started our day early at 7:00 am, got breakfast, and hopped on the bus to the beautiful Salinas: 11,660 feet above sea level (and 2,907 feet higher than Guaranda). Salinas was originally known for its salt production until the 1970s...

Minga, Community Gathering

Today was Working Like a Local Day! It was a day full of community, hard work, and a sense of inclusion. We started our day bright and early (6:30 a.m!) knocking on every door to make sure we would all the Glimpsers headed to breakfast on time. At Criss (where we have...

Big Love to Pachamama (Mother Earth)

Today’s Indigenous Worldview Day started off as an early morning, especially for us Líderes del Día (LDDs). After wake-up calls and breakfast, we took our bus to Tagma San José, a rural indigenous community 15 minutes outside of Guaranda. There we took a nature...

A ver! (A Glance into the Past!)

CBE35064-73CD-4D04-AC9F-C9C9FE19B1C1 Today our Glimpsers got to experience the history of Guaranda with a city tour led by our Program Coordinators. At the open-air market, we learned about: crop justice, saw how all the parts of meat are utilized, and discovered...

Guaranda Welcomes GU2C!

Hi family and friends! It’s the Program Coordinators Stephanie and Camilo writing to say that the GU2C Crew arrived safely and happily to Guaranda today. The adventure started with an early departure from our hotel in Quito. At 7:30am, we boarded our bus to...