Recent posts from: Chitre 1 7-5-2024

Finding a Sense of Community

Good Evening Families, This morning we woke up bright and early, had a nutritious breakfast, and headed out to the community of París de Parita. We were welcomed with open arms by the lovely Eli Moreno, Raquel Pascasio, Sonia Vega, Mercedes Calderon, María Teresa...

Free Day

Buenas, This is Zadie and Michele, the two Leaders of the Day. Today we had a free day in which we got to choose what we wanted to do in groups. We got to sleep in today, until 8:30 am. For breakfast, we had hojaldra, which is like a fried flour tortilla, which we had...

Working Like a Panamanian Local

Buenas, it’s Hana and Max here! Today, we woke up bright and early to head to breakfast at La Bruja. We had yummy pancakes and eggs with delicious orange juice. After our lovely breakfast, we headed to Finca Pamel which is a family-owned farm, where we worked...

The Diverse People of Panama

Family, friends, and random onlookers of our trip! I am Andrew Andaya-Phillips, here to give you an update on our Glimpsers today! We started off by waking up at 6:30 am and eating breakfast at the hotel. We then took a trip to El Guayabal, where we met the water...

Community Action Project (CAP)

Hola, everyone, Today, we were able to sleep in a bit as we woke up at 7am instead of 6:30, which is our usual wake-up time. Then, we had a lovely breakfast made by Angie, our head chef who is responsible for our food. Our breakfast was a bread toast with eggs stirred...

Passing Traditions

Buenas noches a todos! Today, we woke up at 6 in the morning then the group went to a nearby panadería that was owned by a man named Orlando who built the panadería from the ground up. He told us that success doesn´t happen overnight and if we ever have a passion for...

Panama Premier

Greetings! As you see, we are officially in Panama! Today was another big travel day for us. Starting in the capital, where we got to know more about each other and the overall vibes Experiencing the rainy season morning, and then, as often in the bay, the sun peaks...