Recent posts from: Turrialba 2 7-17-2024

Day 7: Fun Day!

Hey y’all! It’s Josephine and Sergio. Today was Day 7, so we are officially halfway through the trip! The day started off gloomy with lots of rain but no water in our accommodation (which was later fixed). Breakfast was rice and beans, egg, sausage, and toast. Then...

Day 6: Aid and Development

Today was Day 6: Aid and Development. Evan and I woke up at 6 to wake everybody else around 7 to eat breakfast, which was crépes with eggs and beans. We had our mental warm-up at 9, where we played 2 games, the first called “Zip-Zap-Zop,” followed by another group...

Day 5: Community Day!!!

Hey guys!! We apologize for the late blog post, but after the full day we had yesterday it was decided to write this update this morning instead. Yesterday morning some of us started off our day bird watching from 4-6am. We found some toucans and Costa Rican...

Environmental Justice Day #4

Hey guys, it’s Theo and Sophia’s blog! Being the leaders of the day, Sophia and I were tasked with waking up at 7:30 and knocking on all of everyone else’s doors for a wake-up call. After we got everyone up, we rounded everyone together and enjoyed a strawberry...

Day 3: History and Culture

Can’t believe day 3 has passed and what a day it was! We started our day bright and early (6:30 am wake-up call) with the sounds of birds chirping and Vince’s knocks on everyone’s doors (some people may have been slightly startled haha). Breakfast was served and we...

A fun day to remember!

Another day in Costa Rica and we can’t get enough! Today we drove from our hotel in San Jose to our homely base house (Siloé) in La Suiza close to Turrialba. After arriving at the base house we had lunch and went on to our orientation seminar not without first...

Welcome to Costa Rica!

Greetings from Costa Rica! It’s our first official day and we are more than ready for what’s coming. After flying through America and landing in SJO airport in the evening, our glimpsers moved directly to the hotel we are staying at for the night on a...