Good Night Parents!

My name is Kevin Rodriguez Fierro and we are glad but sad to announce that today was our last day in Panama. This 2-week family is going to be departing tomorrow at 5 am to go to the airport and meet y’all in the afternoon.

Today we started off our morning a tad bit earlier than usual at 6:30, we had breakfast at 7 and said goodbye to our wonderful cook Ms. Angie. After loading our luggage and memories onto the bus we said goodbye to the staff of the hotel, a beautiful and fancy place we called our home for 10 days.

The next step was starting our 5-hour trip to Panama City, during this journey we stopped at a gas station for quick restroom breaks and refreshments. Then followed by an hour trip to a restaurant where we had a couple of options to eat, with 20 minutes after where we got to buy souvenirs and goodies to take back home.

After our meal, we saw 2 huge ships and a fancy sailboat leave the Panama Canal and start their journey to Japan where they will take and bring goods from. Then we stepped into the jaw-dropping world of 3D movies to watch a documentary about the Panama Canal where we learned about its history, problems faced, and how they have made it bigger 3 times.

We also learned about how expensive it was to rebuild it and how much it costs every single time to ship out goods. We ended our documentary, got to view their gift shop, and started our ride to the hostel in Panama City.

When we got there we settled in our rooms and had a little break. After, we had dinner at Miguel´s Grill where the burgers were huge and the fries were delicious. We ended our night with a very emotional nightly meeting, where we discussed tomorrow’s flight plan and also said our formal goodbyes. After this, we had time to shower, play, and spend our last night as a big family.

Buenas noches familias, estamos llegando a nuestras últimas horas aquí en Panamá. El día de hoy fue muy ajetreado, lleno de emociones, memorias, música, y tiempo en el camino, ya que estuvimos alrededor de 5 horas en el transcurso de Chitré a la ciudad de Panamá donde observamos algunos barcos enormes irse del Canal de Panamá. Observamos también un documental de cómo este famoso e importante Canal fue construido, y como permanece como una de las atracciones turísticas más grandes del mundo. Durante este día también tuvimos 2 oportunidades de comprar obsequios y recuerdos de nuestra estancia en este maravilloso pero húmedo lugar. Aproximadamente llegamos al hotel donde pasaremos la última noche a las 5:30 de la tarde y tuvimos unas hamburguesas gigantes para cenar y al lado papas fritas. Tuvimos nuestra última junta matutina en la noche donde expresamos mucho nuestras emociones y buenos deseos.

Primero Dios nos veremos mañana en la tarde familia!