Greetings from Riobamba!

We just finished a long day 3. We woke up early at 8:00am and headed to a delicious breakfast of egg, bread stuffed with cheese, yogurt with granola, and fresh strawberries. Then we headed back to our hotel for a seminar on culture and safety before we headed to our city tour and scavenger hunt. We explored our home for the next two weeks by visiting the city museum, local parks, and speaking with locals. We relied on our Spanish speaking students JC, Mia, and Gianella to get us around the city.

After our tour we headed back to Roma Santa for another delicious meal of rice, lasagna, quinoa soup, and tamarind juice. We all ate until we were stuffed. After lunch we enjoyed a musical performance of Ecuadorian Folk songs. We really love our chef Isabel and her son Nelson! They are like our family already.

After our city adventures we came back to our hotel and got briefed on our English Tutoring. We got sorted into what level we would be teaching based on our experience speaking and understanding the language. Some of us are really going to have our speaking skill tested 🙂


Then we had some free time in the hotel, headed to dinner, and wrapped up by passing the leader of the day torch to our two brave student volunteers Kellen and Daniel!

Look forward to tomorrows blog written by them! Buenas Noches!
