Hi everyone! These are today’s Leaders of the Day: Kim and Mariah.

We started the day by waking up at seven and having breakfast: eggs, toast, watermelon, yogurt, and hot chocolate. Then, there was a change of plans regarding our CAP project. Instead of heading straight to the work site, which we originally planned to do, we wrote thank you letters to our Global Glimpse supporters.

Next, we wrote self-reflections about Immigration Day and shared them out in a big group discussion. Afterwards, we enjoyed some free time while waiting for lunch to be ready, during which, we both played card games. For lunch, we had rice with pork, salad, plantains, and cantaloupe.

After lunch, we boarded our bus and headed to the CAP work site. We pickaxed and shoveled the dirt for around two and a half hours, creating a pathway for the water pipes. The community came out to meet us and watch us begin the project, which was really cool!

We were transported back home and had more free time until dinner. For dinner, we had noodles, ground beef, toast, pineapple, and tortilla chips. We ended the night off with our nightly meeting and passed the torch to tomorrow’s Leaders of the Day.

To my mommy: I miss you and I’m excited to see you soon! I love you and have a good day! – Mariah