Recent posts from: Jarabacoa 1 6-6-2024

Day 12 – Final Reflection

HELLOOOO parents, family, and friends, it’s your girls Vannesa and Manaia! We’re back for the last and final day of our Global Glimpse trip in Jarabacoa. We’re going to take you through our wonderful day: first off we woke up bright and early at 7...


Hello family and friends of the JA1A-BAY Global Glimpse delegation, We know you’re excited to see your Glimpsers, so we thought we would share the return flight information so you know when and where to pick them up from the airport: Students are expected to arrive at...

Day 11- Cap Delivery Day 3

Hi everyone! It’s Daniel and Zariyah, We were the Leaders of the Day for our final CAP delivery day 3. Today was such an improvement from yesterday! Even though some of our group was out the previous day from sickness (including both of us), we were able to make...

Day 10 – CAP delivery day 2

Hey guys, it’s Maggie and Karla! We were the Leaders of the Day on our CAP delivery day 2! Today was an interesting day, some of us were sick but powered through to get work done. We woke everyone up today at 7 AM. At 8 AM for breakfast, we had toast and eggs...

Day Nine – CAP Delivery Day 1

Hi everyone! These are today’s Leaders of the Day: Kim and Mariah. We started the day by waking up at seven and having breakfast: eggs, toast, watermelon, yogurt, and hot chocolate. Then, there was a change of plans regarding our CAP project. Instead of heading...


Hey all!! It’s Jailene & Xander, The Leaders of the Day! Today, we woke up at 6:30 am although some people were awake before then. We started off by having some delicious breakfast. Our first activity of the day was going to the beach. We were at the beach...

Immigration Day

Our theme was Immigration, we woke up at 6 am and we ate “mangu”, fried egg, and eggs with sausage. Then we got ready and embarked on our 4-hour bus ride across the cities of the Dominican Republic and we landed in Juan Dolio. We stopped halfway in a type...