Hello Glimpsers, family, and friends following our trip,

My name is Colleen Carey, and some of my favorite things in no particular order are: nerdy jokes, potstickers, watching pro sports, playing volleyball, floating in as many bodies of water as possible, and summer. I was born and raised in Palo Alto, California, and I graduated from Palo Alto High School. I lived in Tokyo, Japan for a few years in middle school and did a lot of traveling in Asia that my parents planned during that time. When it came time to choose a college, I decided on University of Delaware so I would have a new non-Californian experience for a few years. I just finished my 5th year of teaching science at Cupertino High School, and I’m going to be moving schools to teach at Fremont High School in Sunnyvale next year. When I heard about Global Glimpse, I knew I just had to do it, because I haven’t gone on any international trips since my parents stopped planning vacations for me as a kid. I am so excited to get out and explore with all of you! Below are some pictures that represent different parts of my life so you can get to know me a bit better 🙂

Found some hot springs Memorial Day Weekend!

The last volleyball team I coached, MVVC 13 Red!

I ran 7.8 miles dressed as a banana a few weeks ago in Bay to Breakers

My volleyball team that I play on: Chewblacca!

In case you couldn’t see my face very well in any of the other pictures, here’s a nice selfie for you.

I cant wait to start our adventure next week!