Big business vs environment

Hello friends and family! The last few days have been pretty intensive as we have adjusted to our new surroundings, begun to get to know each other, and pushed our own boundaries through the discussion of important topics and reflections about our personal views. ...

Culture IMPACT

Compared to many other experiences our glimpsers may encounter on this trip, Culture day has always been one of my favorite. Today we shared rhythmic adventures, ventured into the art of Candido Bido and shared moments with lots of laughter. We began our day with...

Getting to know Bonao

Hello dear families, greetings from Bonao! Tuesday was a very intense and tiring day, after a delayed flight that took some hours of sleep away from us. Nevertheless, the group managed to kept the energy up during the day! After a very typical lunch (we tried La...

Safe and sound

Hi family and friends!   We have arrived safely in Bonao. Everyone is safe, sound, and happy! The orphanage is very pretty. It is a U shaped compound, very open, bright and clean with lots of tropical trees, greenery and flowers, and you can see the mountains in...