Global Business/Work Like A Local Day 8

Heyy!! To everyone back in New York, I would like to mention that this trip has been an opportunity with many doors of experiences that have been opened and many more to come. On the 8th day, I was given the chance to be the Leader Of The Day, giving me...

Day 7 “Fun day”

It’s official, we’ve completed 1 whole week of our trip! Today students woke up at 7:00 AM and got ready to eat breakfast. We all hurriedly ate breakfast to get out of the beach house as soon as possible, as right after we were going to the beach. We...

Immigration (Country Theme) – Day 6

Welcome to Day 6 of the Global Glimpse Jarabacoa, DR trip! Today we had an early start, waking up at 6 AM. It’s an overnight trip so we made sure to pack all of our things the night before. Breakfast was simple- ham and cheese sandwiches with pineapple on the...

Day 5: Aid and Development

Hello! Today we woke up at 7 am and had breakfast. We all had a busy day yesterday, so today was a catch-up day for everyone. We visited Plan Yaque, a non-profit organization that helps the community with things like water systems, beautification, and buildings for...

Day 4 : Community Day

Today was an adventurous day! I woke up around 6 20 am because I was scared I would fall back asleep. When it was time, I woke everyone up for a breakfast of pancakes with syrup! We then went to the bus to visit Sonido del Yaque to meet a small community. I felt a...