Day 14: Final CAP Day!

For our final CAP day, we continued to work on our projects. The day before, the arrow team completed their project, so today, the members were able to help with the construction of the pathway and finish up painting tires and play structures as well. With more hands...

Day 13: CAP in Action!

Hola! Our second day working on the Community Action Project was productive and fulfilling! We had an early start to our day with a wake-up call at 7:00 am and had yummy empanadas for breakfast. Don Fernando drove us to Carlos Garbay at 8:00 am. Once we arrived at the...

Day 12: Free Day

Hello friends and family! Today’s activity was: Free Day! The day started off with a 7:30 AM wakeup call and a delicious breakfast provided by the hotel La Primavera. All the Glimpsers got the chance to explore the beautiful city for themselves. We were also given the...

Day 11: Fun Day at Baños!

Hola! Today was the day we have all been waiting for: Fun Day! We started it off with a 6:30 wake up call and a delicious breakfast provided by the La Primavera kitchen staff (thank you Ivan and Newton). At around 8 we began the two-hour bus ride to Baños, a beautiful...

Day 10: Glimpsers in Action Part 1

Today, we began our Community Action Project. This project centered around Carlos Garbay, a school for students with disabilities. We have visited this facility before, and were able to interact with the students and staff. The visit guided our ideas for possible...