Safe Arrival in Quito!!!!

Dear Families & Friends, We are happy to announce that all of the students and chaperones arrived safe and sound in Quito last night! We spent the night in Quito and we will be driving to Riobamba this morning. For the rest of their time in Ecuador, you can expect...


Hi Glimpsers! We can’t believe the time is almost here. Before anything, we would like to express how excited we are to meet all of you this summer. We, your Program Coordinators, have spent the last three amazing months in Riobamba planning a dynamic 14-day...

Our last full day in Riobamba!

Hola! Today was our last day at the CAP (Community Action Project)  project. We arrived at San Juan Senior Home in the morning to finish up our projects. We divided ourselves into groups to continue our work. The garden group successfully finished their projects by...

Community Action Project 2

Hola! Today we continued with our CAP (Community Action Project) at the Senior Activity Center San Juan. Our group is implementing three projects: renovating the garden, painting murals along the walls, and constructing a physical therapy bike. For the mural project,...

CAP Execution Day 1

Hola! Today we began our CAP (Community Action Project) at Proyecto de Desarrollo Integral Adulto Mayor San Juan (Senior Activity Center in San Juan). The delegation was split into three different groups, one working on murals, one on the garden, and the last working...