Alli Shamushka Pucaratambo

Today was the Culture/History and City Tour Day for our glimpsers and my first time being the leader of the day. As part of Culture and History Day, we were able to travel to Pucaratambo, which is the native land of the Indigenous Puruha people. In Pucaratambo, the...

Final Reflection day

Hello family and friends! Today is the final day of our trip to Riobamba! This morning we woke up at 8am and headed to breakfast! Our friend Nelson from Roma Santa made a beautiful montage of our highlights from the last 13 days including our dance battles and sing...

Day 11: Cap Day 3

We’ve officially come to the end of this trip. Today was our last full day in Ecuador. We started our day with a fairly early morning at 7:20 am. Glimpsers were awake bright and early, ready for our final day. We headed to Roma Santa for breakfast. Isabel...

Day 10: CAP Day #2

Buenas Dias everyone this is Bryan and Jeremy. Today was a very productive day at Martiniano Guerrero where CAP day #2 took place. Today was a very special day and let us tell you about it. It all started at 7:30 with a wake-up call following breakfast at Roma Santa....

Day 9: CAP Day 1

Buenas noches mis subcriptores ojala q esten todos bien porque aca estamos buenisimo. (Goodnight my dear subscribers I hope you all are doing good because we sure are). Today we worked really hard in executing our CAP (Community Action Project), which means working in...