CAP Execution- Day 1

Lider del Dia #1: Yo yo yo -it’s Marjan here for another wacky Global Glimpse update: basically, I was a “Lider del Dia”, well, one of the two leaders of the day but it’s my time to shine. We supported the local community by helping build a...

Indigenous Worldview Day

To start off the day, Global Glimpsers went to Jatun Yachay Wasi, an Andean university, which caters to everyone of all ages, where we met our tour guide and healer, Luis. He invited us to take off our shoes and socks to become grounded with the earth and nature...

Living Like A Local

Today we were able to visit four different families. Two families were in the city of Riobamba and two were located in rural areas. We were able to spend some time with them and get to see how they live. We were to take part in their day-to-day routine. Leader of the...

Knowledge Is Power

Today was all about helping children in schools. We started off the day by visiting a school named Germán Abdo and we talked to one of the staff named Sylvia. There we discussed what we can do to help the school and the children for our Community Action Project (CAP)....

Alli Shamushka Pucaratambo

Yesterday was Culture/History and City Tour Day for the glimpsers and it was my first time being leader of the day. In the morning the Global Glimpse team traveled on a unique bus here in Ecuador. We traveled up a moutain in Cacha to be able to reach the town of...