All About Business!

Today, we started with an early wake-up call at 6:30 in the morning. Then we had breakfast, which consisted of empanadas with a side of eggs. Once we were done eating, we started to hit the road to Guano to see the factory Cerquié, which is where they make quinoa...

We’ve arrived in Riobamba!

Hello, everyone! After spending the night in Quito and an almost four-hour bus ride to Riobamba, we officially arrived earlier this afternoon at our final destination. While the bus ride to Riobamba was long, it allowed us to see the beautiful countryside and the...


Hello Global Glimpsers and families! I’m the other GGL for this trip! My name is Carmen Jauregui (she/her) and I am the Academic Affairs Manager at the College Track program in Boyle Heights, CA. This program is aimed at supporting students in accomplishing their...


Hi! My name is Emily Grijalva and I use she/her/ella pronouns. This is my first Global Glimpse trip AND my first time traveling to Ecuador so I am very excited! I am the youngest daughter of Central American immigrants and I grew up in Guatemala. I graduated from...