Free Day

Our free day all began last night with a moment of relaxation where all of us gathered together to kick off “Free Day” with face masks and music. Even our Global Glimpse Leaders joined in on the tranquility! This was our opportunity to bond and connect...

CAP Day 1

We had our first CAP (Community Action Project) day today, where we were split into three teams. The first team fully painted a sensory room to help kids with disabilities. The second team had to dig holes and place tires into the ground to make the path safer for the...

Indigenous Worldviews

Hello to all the parents/guardians/friends that found our blog! Today promptly at 9:30 am, we welcomed leaders from the local school, Carlos Garbay, a school for special needs children, to present to them our sustainable community action projects (CAP) intended to...

Work like a local

Today we tried to stay on top of things, and for the most part, we did. Today was the sole laundry day of our trip, which we got taken care of before then heading to breakfast. Straight afterward, we walked a couple blocks away to Mercado San Alfonso where we were...


Hola de Ecuador, Today, we began the day by waking up at 7:15 am. We had breakfast in our usual spot with Nelson and unfortunately not Isabelle. Despite this, we still had a good breakfast. After breakfast, we went to Kurt Kinti and met Jenni and her husband Santiago...