final reflection day

Hello family and friends! As you know, today is our last day in the DR. We spent a lot of time saying goodbye, and reviewing what we learned from our trip. After breakfast, we had a three hour seminar to reflect on our trip and to show big love to everyone we also...

CAP Day 2

Today we continued and finished working on the project with the women’s association. We painted the outside of the building, finished building the benches and painted the bookshelves. Once we completed all the work that had to be done, we setup the inside of the...

CAP Delivery 1

Today was very good overall, everyone woke up on time at 7am and made it to breakfast even though I made them mad with waking them up very aggressively because I wanted to manage time today since it was going to be very intense because we were starting our first day...

Free Day #2

Today was our second and last free day of the trip. We got to venture around the city on our own and explore new sites around San Juan. We began our day by going out in groups to buy souvenirs and stock up on snacks. Since we’ve arrived, we have gotten more...