Politics Day

Hola Global Glimpse amigos y familia, it’s Sophie here. And today, I took on the vastly important role of El Lider del Dia. Through this new responsibility, I discovered my deep newfound appreciation for those who have the impressive challenge of wrangling a small...

Living Like a Local

¿Que lo que? Or as many of our readers at home will recognize, WHATS UP?! It’s your favorite Glimpers here, Isabella and Nakita!! We know you’ve all been anxiously waiting for the Living Like A Local Day blog because today we’ve gotten to experience what it’s really...

Free Day #2

iBuenas Noches lovely Global Glimpse families and friends! This is Briana and Kyle reporting to you live from CONAMUCA, San Cristobal, Republica Dominicana. Briana here. Today was our second and last free day of our trip. Today began with our 7 am wakeup call and as...

Fun Beach Day

Hola familia y amigos! My name is Natalia and I couldn’t have been more excited to say that I was Lider del dia especially on such a fun day. We woke up at 6am to hop on the bus and head down to La Playa Palmar de Ocoa. The Caribbean Sea was an amazing experience to...

Working Like a Local

Bienvenidos family and friends! It’s las lideras del dia, Jihan and Melika. Today is Day 11: Working Like A Local Day, and we began our day with a 6:00am wakeup call… how lovely! All jokes aside, we had an amazing day. We left our temporary home in San Cristobal at...