History of San Cristobal

Hello SC1C fans! We made it to our new home in San Cristobal. My name is Jatnna Garcia, and I’m the Site Manager in town, and I was also modeling the El Lider del Día role. Today, we woke up in Santo Domingo, and then we traveled to San Cristobal. We had seminars,...

Final Reflection Day

Hola familia y amigos, I’m Elizabeth the last Lider del dia! Although today has been an emotional roller coaster, I’d like to start off by saying that there’s no other way I would rather spend my summer than joining this amazing group of glimpsers. Our day started...

CAP Day 2

¿Que lo que? Coming to you live from the Dominican Republic!!! It’s your cohosts Kareem Hibbert and Bryan Hom. We were los lideres del dia for day 16 which was our Community Action Project day 2. The past 2 days were very impactful and gave our whole group a lot of...

CAP Day 1

Aloha familia y amigos, Tim and Cristian here and it was our day today to be the lideres del dia, and our day to lead was the start of the CAP project. Today started as usual, brisk wake up at 6:15 for us, we were supposed to wake up at 6:30 but we felt like going...

SC1B Return Flight Information

Hello Family and Friends of SC1B Glimpsers, We know you all are excited for the upcoming return of the students on Friday evening, so we wanted to update you all with their flight information: The students will be arriving at SFO at 7:30PM, July 22 on DL #448 into the...