Recent posts from: Matagalpa – 07/20/2013

Matagalpa Day 11 – Aid and Develpment

          Today we woke up at 6 am, still tired from waking up at 5 am and living off a dollar the pervious day, but we all pulled ourselves together to be early to breakfast which is a miracle for 16 teenagers. For breakfast today we had a...

Matagalpa Day 10-Living on a dollar-a-day

Today was a significantly difficult day for everyone to wake up and get the day started. The good part of the morning was the enthusiasm and energy everyone was portraying. We got on the bus early at 6:30to begin our quick ride to the awaiting families. Each global...

Matagalpa Day 8 – Free Fall

       It was a beautiful morning here in Matagalpa where we all got to sleep-in until seven instead of six in the morning. Once seven came the entire hostel was filled with energy and excitement for today was our first free day. After Desayuno we came back to the...