Recent posts from: Granada – 6/08/2016

Day 3 – Maracas and Pottery Making!

Sorry..we did not have internet yesterday, so we have two posts today! Yesterday was our culture day, and we were lucky to have been able to visit two different families to see what they did for a living that depicts the Nicaraguan culture. The first family we stopped...


Today was a loooong day! We started the mornig off learning about the history and politics of Nicaragua. After a long informational session, the 19 of us boarded on four horse carriages to ride around and complete a city tour.  Original plans were to walk the city...

Dia Primera!!

We made it! It was a long day of traveling, where all of us probably fell asleep with our eyes open at one point today. Nonetheless, we all made it here safe and sound with he help of our in country staff. As we arrived in Granada, we were greeted by Karla and Alex...

Granada, here we come!

Hi, my name is Thao and I am one of the GG Leaders for this trip! I’m beyond thrilled to be traveling with a group of students to another part of the world to leave our footprints while we are there. A little about me, I am a physical education teacher at Willow...

Waiting for your arrival to Nicaragua!

Hola Glimpers, Greetings from Granada, Nicaragua! We are Carla Mora (Site Manager) and Valerie Burgos (Program Coordinator). You will be arriving very soon to Nicaragua and we are excited to welcome you to Granada. It will become your home for 2.5 incredible weeks and...