Recent posts from: Riobamba1 – 7/07/2016

El Molino

Money does not always make the world go round. In El Molino, César welcomed us with open arms. Set in a valley far away from civilization, other than a quiet highway running through, our group of 19 was split into three, picking corn, planting leeks, and something...

A chance to learn about politics in Ecuador

Today as a leader for politics day it was a very busy day. Today the Glimpsers were informed about Ecuador’s government and how it affected the country in several ways and also why Ecuador is in the position it is in now. We met two people from an organization...

Journey through the Jungle

On our first Fun Day of the trip, we Glimpsers embarked on a journey to El Paílón del Diablo, a roaring waterfall located near the city of Baños. Today was special for the group in that there were two Liders del Día instead of one. The challenge between our two unique...

First Leadership Experience

In the midst of participating in many cultural activities there is always a time for some fun. Today the Glimpsers had a free day to relax and do as they please. We were able to go to the Internet Café which gave us a chance to communicate with our friends and also...

Disparities in the Ecuadorian education system

Education is a fundamental part of a child’s future, since it can determine the opportunities that a child has. Within Ecuador many factors play into the quality of education that a child can have such as their gender, ethnicity and their geographical location....

Perspective and Gratitude

Living like a local day brought the team to an earlier start today. In an effort to emulate the life of a local, the day began bright and early at 6am to the angst of the group. Despite the early morning grogginess and silent animosity, breakfast helped to jump start...