Recent posts from: GU2A Guaranda 6-6

CAP Day 1

Question of the Day: What are some ways you can organize yourselves to work best together as a group for the CAP days? Quote of the Day: “Working hard and working smart sometimes can be two different things”- Byron Dorgan Hey everyone! It’s Alena, Carly, and Lauryn!...

Free Oh So Free Day 2

Question of the Day: How do young people spend their time in Guaranda in comparison to the U.S.  ? Quote of the day: The door to happiness opens outwards. Anyone who tries to push this door open, thereby causes it to close still more. – Soren Kierkegaard. Hello...

Global Business Day

Quote of the day: “If you’re totally illiterate and living on one dollar a day, the benefits of globalization never come to you.” –Jimmy Carter Question of the day: What elements are needed for a community to develop a successful business model? Today (Note: blog post...

More Pics (Day 4-7)

Carlos and Rocio Nature Hike GGL Brittney is prepared for anything. Tagma San Jose Quechua Clothing Tagma San Jose Cacique Guaranga Ecuador National Team World Cup Jersey Cacique Guaranga Cacique Guaranga Cacique Guaranga Cacique Guaranga Simon Bolivar Cacique...

Highest Point In Our Lives – Fun Day

“Wanderer, there is no road, the road is made by walking.”  -Antonio Machado On this early morning, we set off for the Mt. Chimborazo volcano. This dormant volcano is the highest point from the center of the earth and closet point to the sun. Measured from the center...

Strength in Numbers – English Tutoring Edition

Quote of the day: “Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans.” – John Lennon Question of the day: What have you learned in Ecuador during these past days? Today was a free day for us Glimpsers; we split into three groups to explore the city of...

Education Day in Ecuador

How do limited resources and opportunities affect students´ ability to reach their future potential? This is a question we have poured over, pondered, and practiced throughout today’s experience. As we boarded the bus to San Juan de Llullundongo, these words felt...