Recent posts from: GU2A Guaranda 6-6

Working and Living Like a Local

Question of the Day: In what ways do you want to live or work more like the people in San Juan de Llullundongo? And what does happiness mean to you? Today, we had the opportunity to visit the community of San Juan and participate in making adobe blocks for the...

Indigenous Worldview & Carnaval Culture

Quote of the Day: “Preservation of one’s own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures.” Question of the Day: “How does culture shape daily life?” Líders del Día – Vi and Jeremy Straight from our Feroz...

More Pics! (Day 1-3)

Our View in Quito On the Bus On the Bus On The Bus On the Bus Mt. Chimborazo (Closest point on earth to the sun) Lunch at Feroz Museo La Guitarra Museo La Guitarra Museo La Guitarra Museo La Guitarra The View from Museo La Guitarra The View from Museo La Guitarra The...

A City Tour – Guaranda, Ecuador

Hello everyone! This is your GGL’s Carlos, Brendan, and Brittney. Today, we had a very impactful day in our home away from home.  We started off our morning bright and early with a simple and traditional breakfast (bread and pineapple/blueberry jelly, an egg, and...

We’re in Guaranda!

Hi everyone, it’s Stephanie and Camilo, the GG program coordinators. Today was a great day, we traveled from Quito to Guaranda and all glimpsers are now settled in our very welcoming hotel Palacio Real. We had a long trip but got to enjoy the beautiful...

Finally here!

Hi everyone, it’s Stephanie and Camilo here, Guaranda 2 Program Coordinators. We wanted to let you know our 29 glimpsers are already in Ecuador, safe, sound and most importantly full of energy and excitement. We’re very happy to have such a collaborative...

Hey, it’s Liz!

Hey! My name is Elizabeth, but most people call me Liz for short. I’m 16 years old and I am currently an upcoming senior at Andrew Hill High School. I have to be honest, I’m quite socially awkward, though I’m trying to change that! I hope to build my social skills, as...