Recent posts from: C1C Constanza 7-16-2019

C1C Return Trip Information

Hello Family and Friends of the C1C Global Glimpse delegation, We know you’re excited to see your Glimpsers after these two weeks, so we thought we would share a reminder about the return flight information so you know when and where to pick them up from the airport!...

CAP Delivery Day #2

Hola familias, Today was our second day working on our Community Action Project in Rio Grande.  It was an exhausting day for everyone and required a lot of physical labor.  We started the day painting the remaining benches and putting our finishing touches on them. ...

Immigration Day

Hola Familias, Today we got to experience more of the Haitian Culture here in the Dominican Republic. We started the day by driving to the Haitian flea market where we got to hear the stories of some of the Haitians.  Our Haitian guide Ramon shared his story of how he...

Deconstructing Poverty Day

Hola familias! Today was a day full of emotions.  We had a chance to speak with the locals working at the community dump as well as play with the kids at one of the CECAINI schools.  After an early wake-up call and a delicious breakfast, we headed to the local dump. ...

Adventure Fun Day

Hola Familias, Today my roommate Andy and I created a special wake-up call.  Andy hit a pen against his metal water bottle while I hit a metal flashlight against a large bucket.  As we drummed, we walked through the hotel hallway singing the “F.U.N. Song”...

Cap Delivery 1

Hola Familias, Today we began our three day CAP (Community Action Project) in the community of Rio Grande. Our goal is to clean and repaint a small park, build a basketball court, and raise awareness about keeping the community trash free. At the beginning of the day,...

Free Day #2

Hello from Stephanie and Taylor!! Today was a very smooth day.  At first, we were nervous about being leaders of the day because we thought we weren’t going to have things under control.  However, after studying the schedule, we realized that we were...