Recent posts from: Trip Blogs 2022

Education and deconstruction poverty in Riobamba

Today at breakfast at Roma Santa, Our first meal consisted of Plantains with Beef/Pork Sausages. After the energizing breakfast, we played a game of Zig-Zag and it was one of the most fun games that we played during the trip! Our Quote of the day “One child, one...

Global Business

Hello everyone! My name is Fiona and I was today’s Leader of the day. Today our focus was Global Business. We had a very chill but important and educational day. We started off the day at 7:30 am with breakfast where we had assorted bread with butter and the...

Aid & Development Day

We woke up at 7 am, and had breakfast at 8. Our breakfast was pancakes with maple syrup, and scrambled eggs, followed by strawberry juice, bananas, and watermelons. After breakfast, we had a mental warm-up about a speaker named Carlos Corcino and his community. We...


Hello, we are Angelica and Miquea, and we are going to be your program coordinators in JA2C. We are very excited to live this wonderful experience with you. It will be a great time and we will learn many new things. Can’t wait to meet y’all and start this amazing...

DAY 12: Immigration Day

Hi, this is Nareh and Andrew, Today is Immigration day, we started off by waking up at 6 am and bringing all our luggage down to the lobby. Breakfast at 7am was a delicious combination of ham and cheese sandwiches with papaya and strawberry juice. After breakfast, we...

C2A Return Flight Information

Hello, family and friends of the C2A-New York Global Glimpse delegation, We know you’re excited to see your Glimpsers, so we thought we would share the new return flight information so you know when and where to pick them up from the airport: Students are expected to...

Leadership Is Like Being A Good Friend

Quote of the day: “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.”- Mother Teresa Question of the day: How does it feel helping others? Can one person really make a difference? Welcome Glimpse family or...