Recent posts from: Constanza 7-16-2022

C1C-WM Return Flight Information

Hello family and friends of the C1C-WM Global Glimpse delegation, We know you’re excited to see your Glimpsers, so we thought we would share the new return flight information so you know when and where to pick them up from the airport: Students are expected to arrive...

CAP Delivery Day 3

Our day started bright and early with our gentle wake-up calls. Before breakfast, we reminded everyone of the question and quote of the day. “What will you take away from the Community Action Project and how will you apply that to your own life?” and...

Cap Delivery Day 2

For the second day of the Community Action Project, we woke up at 7:00 AM. We then had breakfast at 8:00 AM and left for Barrio de Las Flores at 8:45 AM. At Barrio de Las Flores, we met up with Amauri and his community and began to dig out the landing of the bridge....

Community Delivery Day 1

¡Hola Familia!, This is from Alexis and Liza your “liders del dia”: Today was the first day of our community action project delivery, (projecto puente/project bridge). We started off today by waking up at 7 am before eating a plentiful breakfast to fuel...

Deconstructing Poverty Day

Hello everyone! It’s Mackenzie and Zaday your leader del Dias! Today we woke up at 7 AM and we had breakfast which was cereal and fruit at 8 AM! Then we had a mental warm-up to prepare everyone and get them excited for the day which was very moving for all of...

Community Day

Today we primarily focused on the communities in Constanza that are facing poverty. Like most days we woke up at 7:00 a.m and had breakfast at 8:00. After eating breakfast we had a mental warmup at 8:45 in which we learned about the community we were visiting, Cañadas...

Aid & Development Day

We woke up at 7 am, and had breakfast at 8. Our breakfast was pancakes with maple syrup, and scrambled eggs, followed by strawberry juice, bananas, and watermelons. After breakfast, we had a mental warm-up about a speaker named Carlos Corcino and his community. We...