Recent posts from: Riobamba 7-12-2023

Pachamama – Mother Nature

July 18, 2023 We started off our beautiful Tuesday morning with a chicken sandwich and a mix of tasty fruits (yummm). Then prepared for our trip Jatun Yachay Wasi which is the only certified indigenous University in Ecuador. They offer teachings of Andean and other...

Glimpse Into the Factories That Run Ecuador

“Every time you spend money, you are casting a vote for the kind of world you want” – Anna Lappé. Today, we visited Fabrica Cerquié and Zapatería Arévalo to learn about how our own consumer choices affect the businesses that shape the community. We explored the...

Gratitude in Ecuador

Today, we woke up at 7:30 am and started the day with a sándwich de atún, café o té, y yogur con papaya, manzana, uvas, kiwi, and granola. Then, we traveled to the German Abdo School neighborhood of Riobamba where the Glimpsers were divided into 4 groups and sent to...

Love On

We started off our day at 8:00 am and had breakfast at 9:00 am, which consisted of a fruta y yogur, balón de verde, and jugo de naranja. Then, we headed to visit the Love On organization. Love On is an organization that helps provide young children from Riobamba get...

Culture and Compassion

Our focus for today manifested itself with the Frida Khalo quote “I paint flowers so they will not die”. As Líders del Día, we chose this quote because we felt that it gave our fellow Glimpsers a focus and kept them all on the same train of thought. The...

Travel and Transformation

Question of the day: What are your expectations from this trip? Is there anything you want to change about yourself during this trip? // Our first full day in Ecuador started with breakfast in Quito followed by a 4-hour bus ride through the Andes to Riobamba. The...