Recent posts from: Juan Dolio 1 7-16-2024

Community Day; A day in their lives…

Hello Glimpsers’ loved ones! As leaders – David, Justin, and Ricardo – we ensured all glimpsers woke up at 6:00 am for community day. At 7:00 am we gathered at the dining area for breakfast: Eggs with tomatoes, fruit, and bread. The guagua picked us up at...

Free Day

Hello Glimpser’s loved ones! As the “lideres del dia” we woke up everyone at 9 am for the morning wake-up call. The staff prepared an amazing breakfast as usual that consisted of oatmeal, hot chocolate, eggs, bread, and juice. Today we took a free...

Aid and Development

Hello Glimpsers’ loved ones! As the Leaders of the Day we were responsible for the 7 am wake-up call. We then got situated and prepared for breakfast at 8 am. Breakfast consisted of salami, egg, mashed plantains, mashed potatoes, and fried cheese, yummy! Today...

Working like a Local and Global business

Hello families of Glimpsers! The student Leaders of the Day who are writing today are Luis Diaz and Angel Santiago. Today, we started with a 7 am wake-up call. Everyone got ready to enjoy breakfast together at 8 am. After we finished breakfast we had a morning meeting...

Day 2: San Pedro de Macorís: Exploring History and Culture

Hey World July 18, 2024 Today was a fantastic day for our Glimpsers as we immersed ourselves in the rich history and vibrant culture of San Pedro de Macorís, a charming town in the Dominican Republic. Our day began bright and early at 7 AM with a hearty breakfast to...

First Day of Lasting Memories

After a long night, the group got settled into their new digs today. The students had the opportunity to meet Eliza; Executive Director of Global Glimpse. The group had the chance to speak with her about their current program and about the unprecedented growth of the...

The Glimpsers have landed!

Their long journey to the Dominican Republic is over and now their ardent story begins. The group arrived to the accommodations safely. They got some much-needed and well-deserved rest. They are now embarking on a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will shape these...