Final Day in Panama

Today was the last full day in Panama and it was amazing. This morning we said our goodbyes to the hotel and to the city of Chitre, which was the city that we were staying at for the past 15 days. Today was packed with adventure and learning new things about Panama....

Free Day #2

This morning on our 2nd free day in I woke up before my alarm went off, but still managed to get quite good sleep because our wake up call was from 7:30-8:30. Waking everyone up was quite simple, everyone was up on my first round. To begin our free day, the group went...

Fun day

Today, as the title describes was “Fun Day”, me and the group from the start of the day to the end were just laughing and having fun. We were having so much fun that the PC’s and GGL’s forgot to take pictures of us while we were enjoying. We were all...

Cap 3

Today is August 3, today was the final day of the CAP (Community Action Project). One of the Glimpsers named Lauryn gave a motivational speech about how we should finish off strong and with our heads high. Also she told us to keep in mind what we came here for and to...

Community Action Project Day 2

Hi everyone!! Today was our second day of executing our Community Action Project, and we couldn’t have been more excited to hit the ground running.  We woke up bright and early this morning at 6:30, had a nutritious breakfast of chicken and plantains, and hopped...