Day 12: Final Reflection

Hey family and friends! Today was our day of Final Reflection, The day started for us leaders at 7:00 am. After waking everyone else up at 7:30 am, we had grilled cheese and strawberry juice for breakfast. That was followed by our final seminar on the topic of...

Day 11: CAP Delivery Day 3

Hey Everyone!! Today we woke everyone up at 7:30 am and had some breakfast which consisted of cereal, papaya, and bananas before going to the CAP site. We finished where we left off with yesterday by mixing more cement and filling in the foundation. We also brought up...

Day 10: CAP Delivery Day 2

Hi all!! Today was such a productive day! We began the day by waking up at around 7 am then waking everyone else up at 7:30 am. We had breakfast at 8 am, which consisted of pancakes, eggs, and lemonade. Shortly after, we left to go to our CAP Site in the community up...

Day 9: CAP Delivery Day One

Today, we had an early morning at 7:30 am. After breakfast, we started our first day of CAP work at 9 am, where we began digging the foundation of the community center that we will be working on for the next two days. It was tough work pickaxing and shoveling the dirt...

Day 8: Fun Day

Hello families! Today was our beach day! We started the day with a ham and cheese sandwich and orange juice. We then all gathered to go to the beach. We walked there and as soon as we got there we all ran into the ocean to have a fun time. We played volleyball, raced...