Anddd…That’s a Wrap!!

We’re finally leaving!! These past 2 weeks have flown by completely but here we are! Starting off the day at 7:30 AM, instead of eating breakfast first, we started off with final reflections. In these reflections we evaluated our time spent in Costa Rica, the...


Heyyyyyyyy family and friends, how are you today?!!! Today was sadly the last day of our CAP (Community Action Project)! What a bummer, but we finally FINISHED!! We have truly worked so hard these past three days in contributing to the Escuela Aquiares (Aquiares...

CAP Day 2!

¡Pura Vida! Today we woke up bright and early at 7:00 am and enjoyed a balanced breakfast consisting of pancakes, fruits, and eggs! Glimpsers applied sunscreen and bug spray for CAP day 2 to prepare for a long day of hard work! Once we arrived, we played a few...

Environmental education and justice!!

Hey everyone! Today we had a late start with a wake-up call at 8:00 am and breakfast at 8:30 am. For breakfast, we had gallo pinto (rice and beans) with egg, bread, and fruit. We started the day by watching an environmental documentary discussing ecotourism and...

Waterfall Day

Hello everybody!! As Leaders of the Day, we woke up around 6 am to stay up and make sure the other Glimpsers were up at 7 am sharp. We were all still tired from yesterday, but we maintained a positive attitude because we were excited about the waterfall, since it was...