Our First CAP Day!

Hey everyone! Today was a very challenging and exciting day for all of us, as this is our first CAP (Community Action Project) Day. We started the day with breakfast bright and early at 7:30 am, then we started getting ready to pack our supplies for the day. The plan...

Indoor Bonding and a Turrialba Town Visit

Hello!!!! Today we had a very big change of plans due to the weather, and our adventure to the waterfall got delayed to Saturday. Although it originally dampened our moods, we found a way to make the best out of this unfortunate occurrence. The day started with us...

Home Run!

Hello everyone, today we had a lazy day as the wake-up call was at 8:00am, but by then, most kids had left by 7:45 to go on a walk led by Tim. We had breakfast at 8:30 and after some communal chatting, we had our first CAP (community action project) meeting for the...

Community Day!

Hey everyone! We started today early with a wake-up call at 7:30 am, a guided meditation with Tim at 7:45 am, and breakfast at 8:00am. The meditation helped us open our minds for the day’s events. By 9:00 am, we met with 4 different families from the Aquiares...

Día de Negocio

Today was our Negocio day in Aquiares and Turrialba. Some Glimpsers began their day at 5:30 am for a run to a noisy river, while others went for a refreshing morning swim. In our role as leaders, Carlos and I had the opportunity to guide our Glimpers for a very...