Final Reflection!!

Hello everyone! Today was our final day in Costa Rica, which means it was a bittersweet experience for all. We started the day by enjoying our last breakfast at the base house, made by Diego and Emilia. Instead of having our usual mental warmup today, we participated...

Conservation and Environmental Justice

Hello, Global Glimpse friends and family, Today was our final day at the base house and we focused on learning about Conservation & Environmental Justice. To start our day we woke everyone up at 7:00 am on the dot and then enjoyed some French toast with eggs and...

Final CAP Day!

Hello everyone, hope you’re having an amazing friday! Its the double AA take over! (AKA, Andrea and Alex) So to start our final day of CAP we woke up at 6:00 AM and ate breakfast at 7:00 AM. Our amazing cooks, Diego and Amelia, made a yummy breakfast that...


Hello Global Glimpse family and friends, Today was the second day of CAP also known as the Community Action Project and it was a truly spectacular day! The morning started off with a 6 AM wake-up call. Breakfast proceeded promptly at 7:00. For breakfast we ate the...

CAP Day Uno

Hello Global Glimpse families, Today was an exciting day! We were able to start on our community action project, otherwise known as (CAP). We woke up at 6 o clock. We got ready and packed our bags in preparation for the day, and then headed over for a delicious...