Recent posts from: Trip Blogs 2013

Day 16: Flexible Day

Although today’s theme was said to have been a complete ‘free day’, our delegation worked on being flexible with our schedule. Our day consisted of working on our Community Action Project’s official details while still getting to know each...

Negocios – La Casita & Santiago

Hello Glimpse followers. My name is Michael Flicek. Today I was given the task as leader of the day, or for those who know Spanish “el lider del dia”. Given this responsibility, I am in charge of waking up fellow Glimpsers and making sure that they are...

Leon, Day 18: Surprise Day Numero Dos!

¡Buenas!  Sarah Sargent here; and I’m proud to be the leader of the day!  I am 16 years old and I attend John Swett High School in Crockett California. Today was quite an interesting day given that we woke up in paradise.  We woke up in our temporary beach side...

Fun Day!

Today was Fun Day, and we were able to pair up with the other delegations in Nicaragua for this amazing day! We started off our day very early with a 5:30am wake up call to take an early bus ride to Masaya. Our first stop was the volcano museum and then visited the...

Fun Day #2

Hi Everyone, Today was Sunday Fun Day. We woke up at 6:00 am and had to travel in a bus for three hours in order to get to our first destination the Masaya Volcano! The volcano was huge and filled with smoke so it was hard to see inside, meaning it was still active!...

Relaxing Like A Local

Hello Glimpser Families, My name is Janise “Jay” Powell and I attend James Logan High School. Saturday was a day filled with joy, laughter and competition. We walked to a nearby high school, where we played futbol (soccer) against and with the other Esteli...

Leon, Day 17: Global Business

¡Bienviendos! My name is Julie Nogueda and I’m 17 years old. I go to Independence High School (Go 76ers!) located in San Jose, California. The badge of leadership along with the honorable crown was passed to me by my fellow Glimpser Myles, thus making me El Lider Del...