Recent posts from: B1D Bonao 8-2-2019

Immigration Day

“In order to change the world, we need to start small. Create change within your community. From there, if your community changes, your province will change. If your province changes, your city will change. If your city changes, your country will change. If your...

Working Like a Local

Being leader of the day was very challenging. Today we visited Brigada Verde where we helped plant caoba trees (mahogany) and learned what hard labor actually looks like. Today we learned that the workers get paid 10,000 pesos a month which is $100 US. One of the...

Deconstructing Poverty

Today we all learned how poverty looks in the Dominican Republic, the main factors being racism and education. While visiting La Vega dump we witnessed how the buzos (dumpster divers) worked on a daily basis trying to earn money from materials such as bottles, metals,...

Free Day

Being Leader of the Day is full of challenges. Starting with waking everyone up, making sure everyone is on time, keeping people on task, and keeping everyone safe. These are all things that I don’t have to do often especially for a big group of people. I am mostly...

Grounded and Grateful

Being the leader of the day, the lider del dia, is tough. You are responsible for counting everyone on the bus, you have to remind the glimpsers to drink water, and even make sure that they are healthy by asking if they have pooped. But, I think the hardest part for...

Water Equals Life

We traveled to the world’s second largest gold reserve which also contains about half of the Dominican Republic’s diverse wildlife. Loma Miranda is not being shown the attention that it needs. Most of the Dominican Republic’s water is sourced from the rivers and...

Learning a New Culture

Today we learned how to dance the Bachata and the Merengue. It was a lot of fun because we got to switch partners and it was fun getting to see how different people dance and get to interact with everyone. One thing we learned that we kind of already knew was that...