Recent posts from: RB1D Riobamba 8-3-2019

Fun Day!

The day began bright and early in a day filled with adventure and overcoming fears. We piled into the dining room to eat our breakfast consisting of eggs and a Humita (a type of Andean tamal). Once breakfast was finished we boarded the bus to make our way to the...

Deconstructing Poverty

Today we worked with kids from Manitas Trabajadoras, a non-profit organization that provides aid to working child scholars. We Glimpsers went to Parque Moldonado and helped the children sell candy and shine shoes. We played games with them, talked to them about their...

Learning Quichua and visiting the senior center!!

Buenas, familia y amigos! Nuka shuty kon Carolina and Lluvia! Today we went to the Project of Integrated Development for the Elderly in San Juan, where we got to see firsthand how a senior services center works here in the Riobamba region. After taking a tour around...

The Welcoming People of Riobamba

Hola, family and friends! Today was our first “free” day! Instead of having a set itinerary of planned activities with locals and a packed schedule, we broke up into small groups, accompanied by GGLs (Global Glimpse Leaders). We first rode taxis to Plaza Roja, where...

Culture and Indigenous World Views

Hola Parents and Loved Ones! Today we got to experience and try new things! First we went to the community tourism center, Pucará Tambo, and learned about the history of the Puruha people, and also got to learn about some of their medicinal herbs and cleansing...

History of Riobamba

Today, we had a scavenger hunt. This gave us the opportunity to speak with locals in order to learn the history of Riobamba. We were divided into groups of five or six. Each group had a worksheet listing various questions, and we had two hours to get as many correct...

Day 1: Quito to Riobamba

Hola, familia back home! Today was a great day! After breakfast, we started on the 4-hour bus ride to Riobamba.  During the bus ride, we witnessed beautiful scenery, including farmland, cows, a llama, street vendors, and colorful graffiti.  The houses built into the...