JA2A Return Critical Flight Change

(UPDATED at 12:50 am with new flight information) Hello Parents & Guardians of Delegation JA2A, There has been a critical change to your student’s return flight home tonight. Midway through the group’s flight from Newark to San Francisco, they were...

Final Reflection Day!

  Today was our last full day. We woke up at 7 am with the sound of Burt (a bee toy that plays the drum) played by Moises. For breakfast at 8 am, we had hot chocolate, mashed potatoes, and spam. Then we had our program seminar that was filled with lots of love...

CAP Día 3

¿Que tal familias? We are finally done with our CAP project!!! As usual, we woke up at 7 A.M. and had pancakes and fried salami for our breakfast (our favorites). Today, we had to wake everyone up but we struggled to find some peoples’ windows, but luckily their...

CAP Day 2

holaaaa amigos:) esto es CAP DAY TWOOOOO. We started the day off by waking up bright and early at 7 am. It was a struggle to get out of bed for me (Aolanni) but we pushed through and had some good breakfast from the homie and chef WELLLINNN. Then we were running late...


Today we started our day by waking up at 7 am this morning. We focused on Day 1 CAP (community action project). We arrived at one of three locations at nine in the morning. We got taught how to use the tools and showed where we were going to start working. We all got...