Gallo Pinto and Goodbyes

This morning we began our day with Gallo Pinto, a traditional Costa Rican breakfast for our last day in Turrialba. We cleaned up the accommodations and brought our luggage down to the main floor before we had our mental warm up. We also had time to hang out, play ping...


What a day today’s day was, indeed! Today everybody was politely but confidently awoken by the sound of a respectful knock at their door. Breakfast was amazing as always and nutritious as normal; it really gave our bodies what we needed to encounter step 2 of...

Environmental Justice

Hola familias de Chicago! Today we started off with some tasty pancakes for breakfast, then gathered for our morning meeting, where we discussed the theme of the day. What does environmental justice mean to you? Well, today we learned what it means to us. Andres...

Waterfall Day!

Hello Dulce Familias! We began our day sleeping in a little later today. After having a yummy breakfast, we headed out to our 45-minute, rocky hike through the forest to the Aquiares waterfall. We had to cross through the river, soaking our shoes with puddles of water...

Conclusion of CAP!

Before you read this, drink water for five seconds. Okay. Today was the final day of our Community Action Project at the School of Santa Rosa. We started the day off with a delicious breakfast and quickly headed over to the school. As we arrived, the kids were on a...