Recent posts from: Trip Blogs 2015


FREE DAY! Today was extremely different from the previous days because we Glimpsers got to make our own schedule; for example, some Glimpsers went to Barista and others went to SN for some delicious Nicaraguan coffee. We were given an awesome privilege to be in groups...

CAP Day 3!

Sarah and Natalie here making our blog entry just about two weeks after arriving back here in America. Better late than never! This day was too special and unique to our trip, it cannot be skipped. We began our third and final CAP day with the sweet sound of hands...

Politics & English Tutoring

Today more than the previous days made us think critically of the country in which we reside.  It made us consider the country’s history even more so than the day before. We learned everything from the political parties beginning at the end of a corrupt...

Cultivando Cultura

Hola a todos! This is Brittany… one of the Global Glimpse leaders. We had a very fun day today learning about culture. Our question of the day was: What role does art play in preserving local customs and traditions? We started our day at 5:45am and we went to have a...

Amazing, enriching and fun day!!!!!

Hay everyone I’m Leonel terrero, program coordinator for San Juan De La maguana and today I had to model how  to be an effective and efficient lider of the day,  Spanish” El Lider Del Dia (ELDD) for our 3th  amazing delegation. So the day went like this:...

Day 2 – Culture Day!

Hello friends and family! It’s only the end of the second day, but we’ve already become a family. Your kids are intelligent, compassionate, and kind. It’s been amazing getting to know each and every one of them and I cannot wait to see how the rest...