Recent posts from: Constanza1 – 7/03/2017

C1B Return Flight Information

Hello Family and Friends of C1B Glimpsers, We know you all are excited for the return of the students, so here are some reminders about their flight information: The students will be arriving at SFO at 11:58pm PDT on July 17th on CM 382 into the International...

Free Day 2.0

Today we began our second to last day of our amazing 14 day trip. We began wake up calls at 8 o’clock and had a breakfast of oatmeal, bananas, and cookies at 9 am. After eating breakfast, at 10 am people split up into two big groups of their choice and decided...

CAP Day 2

            Hello everyone, it’s Lisette and Sofia here to keep you up to speed on our daily adventures. Today was an eventful day full of new experiences and bonds. As a group, we were able to learn how to balance our wishes for...

Community Action Project Day 1

Hello Family and Friends. We woke up a hour earlier than the other Glimpsers to prepare for being the Líder del Día (Leader of the Day). For breakfast we had mashed plantains, fried eggs, salami and pineapple juice. After that, we prepare to present our CAProject...

Adventure Fun Day

As leaders of day the we had to wake up at 5 am to get ready, and wake everyone else up by 7 am in time for breakfast.  For breakfast we had some Dominican scrambled eggs with toast accompanied by peanut butter, jelly, and butter on the side. As soon as we finished...

Deconstructing Poverty Day

C1B in the house!! Hey everybody, this is Grace and Monse coming to you live from Constanza. Today was probably one of the most emotionally challenging days for all of us, as we got a chance to be exposed to new perspectives that opened all of our eyes. We started off...

Day 8: Free Day!

Hello! Today was our first free day of the entire trip. We started off by waking up at 7am in order to wake everybody up at 8am to get ready for breakfast at 9am. After we had some cereal with fruit, we all went to the supermarket to grab some snacks. Then, we went to...