Posted in CH1B Chitre 6-25-2019 by Yumei, Global Glimpse Staff
Hello Families and Friends of CH1B Glimpsers, We know you are all eager to see your students return home! We thought we would share a reminder about the return flight information so you know when and where to pick them up from the airport once they’ve arrived. Here is...
Posted in CH1B Chitre 6-25-2019 by Jeff and Korey, Glimpsers
By: Jeff Campbell Today, we attended Playa Uverito and had a great FUN day with a couple of soccer and volleyball games. Of course, the Glimpsers crushed the Global Glimpse Leaders and Program Coordinators. After the hard 3 workdays with 5 hours of work each day on...
Posted in CH1B Chitre 6-25-2019 by Maya and Nicole, Glimpsers
Hola Familias! It’s Nicole and Maya writing to you guys about the 3rdand final day of our CAP project! This morning, we woke up at 7:00 am and headed over to Café Caney for breakfast before our final day. Some students went to go get supplies after breakfast and then...
Posted in CH1B Chitre 6-25-2019 by Derek Basil-Porter and Briarre Johnson, Glimpsers
Buenas Noches families and friends! My name is Derek, and today we had our second day of the CAP Project. There were many successful outcomes when it came to today’s progress, which included the various paint jobs and activities that were created by the group. Today,...
Posted in CH1B Chitre 6-25-2019 by Isabella and Nyla, Glimpsers
Hello families! This is Nyla and Isabella writing to tell you guys about the first CAP day and the Fourth of July. We woke up and ate breakfast at Café Caney. Shortly after, we packed our materials on the bus and headed over to Escuela Paris to start on our community...
Posted in CH1B Chitre 6-25-2019 by Alejandro, Glimpser
Hola familias, this is Alejandro and today I led Deconstructing Poverty Day. Everyone today had to wake up bright and early for a busy day. (GGL NOTE: we were not able to take pictures today due to the sensitive nature of our morning activity) We had breakfast and...
Posted in CH1B Chitre 6-25-2019 by Chloe and Brenton, Glimpsers
Hello families, It’s Chloe and Brenton and today we led Environment Day for the Chitre delegation of Global Glimpse. Our day began with a slightly longer time to sleep in, followed by the usual breakfast, which then led to a day at Playa Monagre. A beach at where we...