Recent posts from: Jarabacoa 6-5-2022

Final Reflection Day :(

Today, we started with an early wake-up call at 7:30 am and ate breakfast. Then, we conducted a 3-hour program seminar to conclude the trip. The seminar was filled with meaningful activities and an overall reflection that was heartwarming and had all of us wishing we...

JA1A Return Flight Information

Hello family and friends of the JA1A Global Glimpse delegation, We know you’re excited to see your Glimpsers after these two weeks, so we thought we would share a reminder about the return flight information so you know when and where to pick them up from the airport!...

Day 12: CAP Delivery 3

Today we started with an early wake up call at 7:00 am, ate breakfast, then left to go work on our CAP (Community Action Project) project. Today we painted all 4 plant beds in the scorching sun (Don’t worry we wore sunscreen). We also made the signs for the...

Day 11: CAP Delivery 2

Hey everybody, Today was a continuation of the project we began yesterday. We woke up as usual at 7:30 AM, had breakfast, and made it back to the Community Action Project site by 9:00 AM. It was immediately apparent that we were more organized this time. We quickly...

Day 10: CAP Delivery 1

Hey everyone, we’ve had a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGG day of work! Today we finally started making our CAP project come to life. We took the safari truck to a local school called ‘Escuela Carlos Manuel Tiburcio’. When we arrived we were assigned certain tasks...

Deconstructing Poverty Day – Dump Site & Waterfall

Hey!! Today, we got to have a needed extra hour of sleep. We woke up at 7:30 AM. We had a wonderful breakfast and a quick mental warm-up before heading over to a dump site called Buena Vista. We had a chance to speak to a worker there named Ramon. He took time out of...

Community Day + Ngan’s bday :)

Another day of waking up at 6:30 (At least we ate breakfast!) Then, we got to take the safari bus to Sonido De Yaque. Did I mention how tiring it is getting there?  It took around 300 steps back and down. It had our legs shaking towards the end! All the shaking was...