Recent posts from: Constanza 6-9-2023

Free Day

  Everyone slept in today! We started off by sleeping late or getting up early for yoga, led by Brenda (aka B-Money) and Kayla (aka J-Dog). Then we had some breakfast including pancakes, bananas, and strawberry juice, which everyone loved! Next up was...

Fun Day!

Que lo Que (whats up), Familias! Today we woke up bright and early at 7, all of us were excited to enjoy our day at the beach. We started the day with a breakfast of ham and cheese sandwiches with a side of eggs. We then had a quick turnaround as we left for the beach...

Immigration Day

Hola familias! We started our day bright and early at 6.30am! We had hard-boiled eggs and mashed potatoes (again…) with the BEST guava juice. After that, we rushed to the bus to prepare for a 4-hour long bus ride. We had a slow start but JC let us make a...

Aid and Development

Here is a quick look at one of our delicious and nutritious meals! Bet it’s making you hungry! 🙂 Today was exciting! We got breakfast that we all know and love– eggs and toast plus peanut butter and hot chocolate! We had a very welcoming guest speaker who...

Working Like a Local

Hello family and friends! Today was a very eventful day with a lot of unexpected twists. To start off, we had an amazing breakfast consisting of homemade tortas, delicious cucumbers, and mango smoothies. Yum! Then it was time to go visit a local strawberry farm, where...

City Tour and Culture Day

Greetings, all! Some of the students and I were just discussing over dinner that although it seems like we have been here for a week, we have actually only been here for just hours. We are packing so much into each day that half the time, it ends up being hard to keep...

Arrival Day!

Hello families! We had a very exciting (but LONG) arrival process to the DR. We got to the airport very late and were promptly shuttled to our temporary hotel in Santiago called Hotel Aloha. We only slept a few hours (like 4?) and then had a sweltering breakfast...