Recent posts from: Jarabacoa 6-20-2023

JA1B Return Flight Delay

Hello Parents & Guardians of Delegation JA1B, Glimpsers are currently safely in the air on their way to SFO and I’m sure you are excited to welcome them home! I want to share that the return flight from Newark to San Francisco was DELAYED by 1 hour. Find...

Day 13: Final Reflection

To kick off the start of the day, we woke up early in the morning at 7:00 am to then had breakfast at 8:00 am. We modeled our breakfast plate with scrambled eggs, pancakes with syrup, papaya juice, pineapple, and milk to finish soon after. We all gathered in our...

Return Flight Information: JA1B-BAY

Hello family and friends of the JA1B-BAY Global Glimpse delegation, We know you’re excited to see your Glimpsers, so we thought we would share the new return flight information so you know when and where to pick them up from the airport: Students are expected to...

Day 12: Final Day of CAP

7/1/23       Today was our last day of the Community Action Project. Due to the rain the previous day, the community members started placing pipes in the trenches and covering them up, so that our hard work did not get destroyed. We got to the site at 9:00 AM and...

CAP Delivery: Day 2

C.A.P. Day 2, the last day of June. Because Day 1 turned into a rainy day, we decided to pick up work early today. Everyone worked hard and smart, finishing the digging of trenches. Unfortunately, we were interrupted by rain again and were forced to cut our work day...

CAP Delivery 1- Helping the Community

It was a calm morning in preparation for a busy yet rewarding day. Today marks the very first day of our community action project (CAP). As highlighted in the previous day’s blog entry, Glimpsers are working with members of the community to create a water-pipe...

Global Business/Working Like A Local

Today was a very busy day to say the least; we learned more about global business and what everyday life is like for agriculture workers. The day began with us Glimpsers going to Vivero de Cafe, a coffee greenhouse outside of Jarabacoa. Vivero de Cafe, which is a...