Recent posts from: Turrialba 7-14-2023

Indoor Bonding and a Turrialba Town Visit

Hello!!!! Today we had a very big change of plans due to the weather, and our adventure to the waterfall got delayed to Saturday. Although it originally dampened our moods, we found a way to make the best out of this unfortunate occurrence. The day started with us...

Home Run!

Hello everyone, today we had a lazy day as the wake-up call was at 8:00am, but by then, most kids had left by 7:45 to go on a walk led by Tim. We had breakfast at 8:30 and after some communal chatting, we had our first CAP (community action project) meeting for the...

Community Day!

Hey everyone! We started today early with a wake-up call at 7:30 am, a guided meditation with Tim at 7:45 am, and breakfast at 8:00am. The meditation helped us open our minds for the day’s events. By 9:00 am, we met with 4 different families from the Aquiares...

Día de Negocio

Today was our Negocio day in Aquiares and Turrialba. Some Glimpsers began their day at 5:30 am for a run to a noisy river, while others went for a refreshing morning swim. In our role as leaders, Carlos and I had the opportunity to guide our Glimpers for a very...

Day 2 in Costa Rica from the GGLs!

Day two of our Costa Rican experience has been nothing short of amazing! The day was packed full of activities, learning, fun, and delicious food. A few students joined me (Tim) bright and early for a run through the hills near our lodge before breakfast. The rest of...

Bienvenidos a Costa Rica ♥

Dear Global Glimpse family and friends, We are happy to announce that all of our students and GGLs have safely arrived to Costa Rica. We will stay the night in San Jose and we will be traveling to Casa Aquiares in Turrialba (our base house) in the morning. We...